Architecture Services in Inverness, Scotland
11 Mansefield Park, Kirkhill, Inverness IV5 7ND
Ideally, from the very beginning, although we can pick up a project at virtually any stage.
The ability to deliver the project is more important than qualifications for some projects. Where a qualification is most important is where certification is required. In such a case, CIAT or RIBA qualifications would be appropriate and desirable.
Phone him first, explain what you want to achieve and gauge the response you get. Choose someone that you ‘connect’ with. The most important consideration is that the completed project meets your requirements. You are the client. Also look for CIAT Qualifications.
This varies from project to project and depends on the intricacies. Once an agreed scheme has been completed, the planning process will take approximately 8 – 10 weeks.
A Building Warrant is required. This application deals with all the building standards including heat loss, daylight standards, structural design, access to and within the building, fire and many other elements.
Again this varies for every project. Obtain a quote at the start from your chosen designer. He will be able to advise on all costs from statutory fees to estimated building costs. A diligent qualified person can help protect you from costly mistakes.
The stages progress from Inception through Outline Design, Detail Design, Approval, Costing & Appraisal, Work on Site, Completion, Certification and Finalisation of Accounts.
Depending on the type of project, a Structural Engineer may be required.
We deal with all types. The bulk of what we do is residential but we also deal with commercial work.
Just contact us and we will be happy to have an initial, informal chat without obligation.